Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Some practice, some distraction...

Some more kikyou drawings cuz I totally dont draw him enough already...
Apologies to Mr. Furansu for buchering him... :"D

Sketch much? And gijinkas!

And here's some sketches! :"D
These are gijinkas(personification) I made for me and mah peep! Francesco Rosso Fiorentino (Franny) and Gabriel Steven Wright(Mr. Wright).
Franny's a gijinka my art and Mr. Wright is a gijinka of my friend's writting.

Here's a comic of their adventures:

More gijinka's! This time Heroman!!

Ultimate mancrush creative process!!

These are illustrations for a web comic Im working on with my good friend! :3 I always find it cool when you can see the creative process behind a picture so heres the process I went throught to make the cover page of the comic. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happiest day of his life

Oh god! These two are just too cute! ;A;
I love imagining what their wedding would be like! X3
Its soo cute it feels like a fairytale!

Mo' junk!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Black bird fanart?

Anime form of the characters in my Black Bird story book.

Latest drawings

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kevin Davis

This one here is Davis and he's one lucky guy. He's the youngest member of Furan's posy and because he was made in the image of somebody she looks up to he gets treated very nicely. He is also an artist further pleasing his creator. He likes being bare footed, drawing in the park, the cool shade of the trees, pretty Autumn leafs and a boy named Tsubasa.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Written version of Comic by Glors

Love Between Us

by Gloria S. H.

Kikyou leaned forward and pressed his lips softly upon Matt’s. He was able to feel the stretch of his lover’s lips as he smiled, humming into the kiss.

They held hands as they kissed deeper. It was broken when Kikyou felt Matt chuckle and he leaned away to break the kiss and pressed his forehead to Matt‘s.

“I’m sorry” Matt muttered in a deep voice “I was just remembering something you told me while I was playing with your hands…”

Matt traced his fingers on Kikyou’s palms, following every line and wrinkle.

Kikyou smiled yet his eyes were curious “What, the palm reading?”

He vaguely remembered telling Matt about a fascinating article on psychics. He then tried to read Matt’s palm with the knowledge learned from the article which lead to Kikyou making some odd premonitions. However, Matt humored him and pretended to read Kikyou’s palm in return and made some hopeful premonitions of his own. Matt then kissed Kikyou’s palm, promising him a happy ending.

“No, no, the other hand thing. The Star Trek thing.” Matt said.

Kikyou’s eyes lit up at the mention one of his favorite shows and glad Matt remembered it’s name before his eyes darkened at the amused look on Matt’s face.

“You’re making fun of me” Kikyou whined, causing Matt to laugh.

“No, I’m really interested in that alien hand…thing.”


“Right,” Matt smiled at Kikyou, his eyes wrinkling before his expression softened and he looked at their joined hands.

“How do Vulcans kiss again?” he asked, half honestly interested, the other half teasing.

Kikyou, always excited to spread the word of Trek, held out two fingers and pressed them against Matt’s, the traditional Vulcan kiss.

“Like this,” Kikyou whispered, a small smile on his face. He swore he could feel the telepathic spark Vulcans were said to feel but dismissed it as a silly, geeky hope.

Matt chuckled, a little knowingly, as if he knew what Kikyou was thinking, and kissed the tip of Kikyou’s ear. He enjoyed the bright blush that spread through Kikyou’s face.

“Fascinating,” Matt whispered into Kikyou’s ear and the younger male shuddered.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finished comic!! :"D

Finally its done! Or more like its been done... >_> The awesome comic collab I did with glors is done! Wow! I actually finished something for once! YAY! I know its not the best thing in the world and its only 5 pages but it took forever! And by that I mean I slaved behind the computer for hours and hours with no end. Took me like 2 weeks to finish the whole thing. That was one productive break! I really feel good about it! I sound like a workcoholic! D: But hey! It makes me happy!^^ This comic means a lot to me.