Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Procrastination prevention (not for me...)

Gift for Bianca for motivation!! These are her characters.
Pam and Victor, the Milan siblings from our Doctor Yon- coma manga. :3
I'll post more stuff on it laterz! :P
I have a final paper to write!!DX Urg!

Monday, November 23, 2009

What I did this week

Here's a close up to the chivis on mats body. There's a lot of detail that got lost, which sucks. I learned a lot from working on this! ^^

I also finished my friends b-day gift! And only a couple of days late! Maybe next year it will be only one day late or something(optimism)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Some pictures to start with

These drawings were drawn and colored super fast. I think 20 minutes maximum for the sketch and 30 to 40 minutes for the color in photoshop. I still take too freakin long to color in photoshop, gotta work on that......... '3'


Im gonna use this blog as a sketch book so that I follow my own progress.. :3